
The FEEL Alumni has fostered a supportive, heart-centered community. The FEEL Alumni is richly diverse, composed of coaches, educators, mental health professionals, equine specialists, wellness practitioners and other individuals who are carving their niche in this emerging field with their unique gifts. A broad range of skills and specialties are offered by the community. The possibilities for the FEEL approach continue to expand beyond the initial intensive training and certification during which FEEL Practitioners gain the self-knowledge and acquire the skills and experience to develop their own FEEL programs where horses are valued for their roles as teachers and healers. At the spiritual heart of the community are the individual horses, the FEEL herds and the Horse Ancestors.

The community comes together annually at the FEEL Alumni Conference, a three-day event offering workshops, guest speakers, and ceremonies that honour the different aspects of the FEEL work. It is an occasion for practitioners not only to exchange and share but also to step outside of their specialties and expand their knowledge of the FEEL work in new areas. It is also an important time for the community to celebrate our partnership with the horses.

Members of the FEEL Alumni participate on many committees that focus on evolving our personal and professional development within the FEEL approach. For example, the FEEL Alumni committees have created marketing materials, this website, the ‘Healing with Horses’ book and promotional videos.


“Each year my experience deepens and I learn so much from all the FEEL practitioners and the horses. I find, with the support and input and honest discussion and feedback, I take away many gems that I can put to work in my life and my practice. What a gift to be associated with so many truly powerful, courageous people. Infinite gratitude.”

– P.Hutchinson

“There is such a beautiful power in gathering with this group. It is truly a gift to be immersed in the energy of people passionate about FEEL, horses, and helping others. I feel energized and empowered!”

– J.Mirynech